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Murder by Death

I read cozy and historical mysteries, a bit of Paranormal/UF, and to mix it up, I read science and gardening books on occasion.

A Library Miscellany

A Library Miscellany - Claire Cock-Starkey

A small, slim tome that is exactly what it says it is: a miscellany of facts about libraries throughout history.  Some of it is nothing new to anyone who enjoys a good book about a book, but most of it was new and fairly interesting.  It had a few drive-my-husband-crazy moments of "listen to this!" but not so many that there was heavy sighing or eye-rolling going on.  


My personal favourites included the most overdue books and the example of rules at different major libraries in the world (I love that the Vatican Library has a bar).  I'm dying to know why Portugal's legal deposit laws require 11 copies of every book be submitted (as opposed to the more common 1-2 copies).


I'd have liked to have seen some illustrations of a few of the topics mentioned, but overall it's a nice little book, and one I'll likely refer to more than once when I feel the need to torture friends with book related trivia.