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Murder by Death

I read cozy and historical mysteries, a bit of Paranormal/UF, and to mix it up, I read science and gardening books on occasion.

Searching and the (almost dead) ASIN bug

We all know the ASIN bug that stopped us being able to add ASINs to most kindle editions published in 2017 and 2018 was finally stomped by BookLikes last month.  YAY!




Its ghost is haunting us in the form of search:  Kindle books can now be added to the database, but those published in 2017-18 can't be searched; they're invisible.  This sounds like a minor-to-moderate inconvenience, until you search for a book, get the "No Book Found!" message, which leads to the second current BookLikes issue:  the Amazon feeds are currently down, so the auto-import-on-search function is not working.  


Knowing this, you try to add the 'missing' edition, only to get through the whole page, click submit and get the hair-pulling message "Book with that ASIN already exists".  This upgrades the bug to a big pain in the ass.


BookLikes is aware of it and have said both in their last Thursday post, and in the bug reports thread that they're working on it. 


In the meantime, what to do?  Well once you've tried to following:

1.  Search by title, or title/author to see if the book comes up.


2.  Go to the author's page and look for it in the list of their books (keeping in mind that it might be sub-listed under another edition; ie Jane Austen's page might list the paperback of Emma and your kindle edition might be listed under the paperback's "Other editions".)


3.  If you have access to the ebook ISBN, try searching for that: you might luck out and find it because the ebook and kindle records have been combined (in error).


and you've had no luck finding it, then your options depend on your personal level of stubbornness:  


For the determined amongst you, you can use/install the ShelveIt widget (located on your shelf page - it looks like a tiny book icon up in the upper right area of the page; drag that to your bookmarks bar on your browser).   Because of the feed issues, the widget currently only works with Amazon.co.uk, but other than the hassle of remembering to type .co.uk instead of .com, or .de, etc. it works just fine.  At this point you can go to Amazon.co.uk, enter the ASIN, and if it shows up, you can use the ShelveIt widget; the widget will see that the page already exists and load it for you in your browser's window.


For those that just want their damned book, you can post your ASINs below in the comments.  I've had limited luck finding a few invisible books by using one or two librarian cheats.  I CANNOT guarantee that I can find it for you, or how fast I can respond, but if you post the ASINs, I'll try my best to hunt down the pages for you and I'll post the links in reply.