257 Following

Murder by Death

I read cozy and historical mysteries, a bit of Paranormal/UF, and to mix it up, I read science and gardening books on occasion.

Small, temporary librarian request regarding ASIN/Kindle ebooks.

Sometime back we asked you to report book records that had combined ebook and kindle editions together, so we could get them separated.


With the current bug affecting some of the ASIN numbers, I'd like to ask that we temporarily suspend making these reports, as librarians have no way of knowing which ASINs are going to get rejected or accepted until they've gone through the effort of creating a new record for them, which, as you can imagine, becomes rather frustrating after the 7th or 8th rejection.


I hate these combined records, a lot.  But I also hate rejection.  So for the time being, please accept my apologies if you request a split but don't see it happen.  Thanks.