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Murder by Death

I read cozy and historical mysteries, a bit of Paranormal/UF, and to mix it up, I read science and gardening books on occasion.

The Darwin Awards

The Darwin Awards: 180 Bizarre True Stories of How Dumb Humans Have Met Their Maker  - Wendy Northcutt

Not much I can say about this one: it's a collection of Darwin award winners (and the honourable mentions) and their stories.  It's both hilarious and possibly a sad commentary on the advancement, or lack thereof, of common sense.


For anyone who might not be familiar with the Darwin Awards, they are given each year for:

significantly improve the gene pool by eliminating themselves from the human race in an obviously stupid way. They are self-selected examples of the dangers inherent in a lack of common sense, and all human races, cultures, and socioeconomic groups are eligible to compete. Actual winners must meet the following criteria:


   Out of the gene pool: dead or sterile.
   Astounding misapplication of judgment.
   Cause one's own demise.
   Capable of sound judgment. 
   The event must be true.


(source: darwinawards.com/rules)


Always good for a chuckle!