I read cozy and historical mysteries, a bit of Paranormal/UF, and to mix it up, I read science and gardening books on occasion.
I've eyed Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children since it first started taking off, but I had the impression it was aimed more for middle school age, and I don't have kids so it was never a priority.
But I just found out Ransom Riggs grew up in my hometown - my tiny hometown where my family goes back far enough to be called pioneers. He's 10 years younger than I am so I never met him, but he went to school where I would have gone had my parents not shipped me out to private school; the school where several of my nephews currently attend.
I thought all this was cool - very cool (did I mention small town?), but then discovered the first chapter of the first book is set in the same town.
and because the third book is called Library of Lost Souls, I just buckled and bought the whole set.
I rarely get homesick, but this did it for me. My little town is growing up! *sniffle*
Also - I'm feeling confident at least one of these books is going to fit a Bingo square. ;-)