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Murder by Death

I read cozy and historical mysteries, a bit of Paranormal/UF, and to mix it up, I read science and gardening books on occasion.

Summer Book Bingo Update - It's Grand(s)! (and a question)

Only two more squares left before I black out!  Woot!


I initially figured I wouldn't be able to finish completely because I really don't like sci-fi; I am completely disinterested in both space and robots (except the kind that vacuum) and really, there's not much left after those two are eliminated.  But Tannat just posted a reading update of her Gaiman audiobook, and Gaiman says Terry Pratchett is a science fiction writer!  To quote Gaiman via Tannat


"Terry was a science fiction writer. It was the way his mind worked: the urge to take it all apart and put it back together in different ways, to see how it all fit together. It was the engine that drove Discworld, not a “what if” or an “if only” or even an “if this goes on…” It was the far more subtle and dangerous “if there was really a —, what would that mean? How would it work?”


So, what do y'all think?  Yea?  Nay?  If it's nay, that's ok.  I don't have to finish the card to have had a great time doing this. (Forcing myself to read a science fiction book isn't going to be fun; it's going to be work and there's going to be a lot of swearing and gnashing of teeth.  At least one book will be harmed in the process.)


Anyway, here's where I'm at:


Bingo, now with extra flaky goodness!


Fantasy:  On the Edge - Ilona Andrews

Historical:  Old Herbaceous - Reginald Arkell

Young adult:  Love, Lies and Spies - Cindy Anstey

Book adapted from the big screen: Murder by Death - H.R.F. Keating

Beach, sand or sun on the cover: Cat Sitter's Nine Lives - Blaize and John Clement

Summer word in title: Aunt Dimity and the Summer King

Mystery or suspense: Deadly Desires at Honeychurch Hall

Read in a boat, tent or cabin: Hammered

A book with 400 plus pages: The Improbability of Love

Romance: Venetia

Book bummer or bust: Happily Ever After

New to me author: The Semester of Our Discontent

First in a series: A Muddied Murder

Comfort read: Persuasion

Read on vacation: Marked Masters

A Book on my shelves for more than 1 year: The Readaholics and the Falcon Fiasco

A Book by a dead author: The Unadulterated Cat

A Book published in June, July or August 2016: Grace Sees Red

A Re-read: A Murder of Magpies

A Book with a Terrible Cover: Death and Relaxation

A Hard Book: Stephen Fry's Incomplete and Utter History of Classical Music