I read cozy and historical mysteries, a bit of Paranormal/UF, and to mix it up, I read science and gardening books on occasion.
I read a lot of reviews since this book's release that said the story left the reader flat, as though it didn't quite live up to the reader's expectations. I bought it anyway because, cover love.
Perhaps because of these reviews my expectations were adjusted accordingly, or maybe the book was just more suited to my tastes; either way, I quite enjoyed it and stayed up way too late last night because I couldn't stop reading until I was finished. I liked Annie and Christian and Mrs. Grundy. I'm not actually a time travel fan and towards the end the story's logic starting chasing its own tail, reminding me why, but the characters and the 'mystery' kept me invested.
The plot has several twists: I guessed one and talked myself out of it, totally nailed the second one and didn't see the third one coming at all. So, all in all, a solid four-star read.