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Murder by Death

I read cozy and historical mysteries, a bit of Paranormal/UF, and to mix it up, I read science and gardening books on occasion.

TBR Thursday (April 9)

The Semi-Attached Couple - Emily Eden Flappers: Six Women of a Dangerous Generation - Judith Mackrell The Accidental Alchemist - Gigi Pandian The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire - Molly Harper Tails, You Lose  - Carol J. Perry This Old Homicide - Kate Carlisle The Making of Home: The 500-Year Story of How Our Houses Became Homes - Judith Flanders Happily Ever After - Susannah Fullerton

I made a sizeable dent in my cozy stacks this week, only to have 3 more show up to take their place, along with 5 non-cozies.  Ah well, I never really thought I'd make a permanent dent.


The Semi-Attached Couple (Dodo Press) - Emily Eden:  Fellow BL'er Reflections wrote such an enticing review of this one, there wasn't any question whether I'd get it, really.


Flappers: Six Women of a Dangerous Generation - Judith Mackrell:  I don't remember who's blog I first saw this one on, but Books, Hockey and a Bucketful of Snark liked it so much it got bumped from "maybe" to "to-buy" - I love this era, so I'm really looking forward to this one.


The Accidental Alchemist - Gigi Pandian:  I've been waiting on this one for months - an address glitch on my Wordery account meant this one and This Old Homicide got lost twice before it finally arrived here today.  Hope it's worth the wait and aggravation.


The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire - Molly Harper:  If you've read Molly Harper's books, no explanation is necessary.  I can't wait to read this one!


Tails, You Lose - Carol J. Perry:  First one exceeded my expectations and ended in a unique way with the MC not locked in to a hobby or even a career.  Curious about what happens next.


This Old Homicide - Kate Carlisle:  In spite of the eye-rollingness that is the MC being a contractor and named Sharon Hammer, I quite liked the first one - Kate Carlisle is one of my favorite current cozy authors.


The Making of Home: The 500-Year Story of How Our Houses Became Homes - Judith Flanders:  A Bookstore find.  I couldn't find her Victorian Home or Victorian City books, so I'm going to try this one.


Happily Ever After - Susannah Fullerton: another bookstore find - don't have a clue about it but it looked interesting and was on sale.


I read 11 books in the last week (as mentioned in a previous post, I'm powering through some long ignored cozies to get them off the piles) and I got 8 new ones, so I'm 3 ahead of the game.  Woot.