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Murder by Death

I read cozy and historical mysteries, a bit of Paranormal/UF, and to mix it up, I read science and gardening books on occasion.

January challenge progress

I haven't ever done a monthly reads review, but while enjoying everyone else's it occurred to me that doing something similar might help keep me motivated to stick to my reading goals for the year, so in the order I made them, here's how I fared so far:


Yearly Reading Challenge:

I read 23 books in January, so I'm approximately 13% of the way there.


PopSugar Reading Challenge:

These are the prompts I've ticked off so far (includes one read from this month):

[X] A book published this year - In Hot Water
[X] A book written by someone under 30 - Love and Freindship: and Other Youthful Writings
[X] A book with nonhuman characters Paw Enforcement
[X] A book with a female author Meet Your Baker
[X] A mystery or thriller - Keeper of the Castle
[X] A nonfiction book Dawn of the Belle Epoque: The Paris of Monet, Zola, Bernhardt, Eiffel, Debussy, Clemenceau, and Their Friends
[X] A memoir What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding
[X] A book you can finish in a day Death, Taxes, and Silver Spurs (Jan. 3 '15)
[X] A book that made you cry  The Bookshop Book
[X] A book with magic Some Enchanted Éclair
[X] A book by an author you've never read before An Exaltation of Larks: The Ultimate Edition

[X] A book you own but have never read  Keeping Mum
[X] A book that takes place in your hometown The Cat Sitter's Cradle
[X] A play - The Mousetrap


Average one non-fiction book a month (12 this year)

I've actually done incredibly well with this one without even trying, reading a total of 6.

History:  2


Memoirs: 2


Essays: 1


Reference (also history): 1



Re-read and review some of the older books on my shelves and try to fill in those review gaps.

Not so flash on this one - just 1.



I'm also participating in Sock Puppet at Play's 2015 Read-by-the-month Challenge as an additional add-on and I read 3 books that matched the January prompts.