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Murder by Death

I read cozy and historical mysteries, a bit of Paranormal/UF, and to mix it up, I read science and gardening books on occasion.

Skinny-dipping (Lilly Cleary, #1)

Skinny-dipping: A Novel of Suspense - Claire Matturro

This book is one of those hidden gems in my library; I sort of forget about it for a few years then pull it off the shelf one day, re-read it and fall in love with it all over again.


Lilly Cleary is a defense attorney in Sarasota, Florida (the location being the initial draw for me).  She's clinically OCD, pragmatic and cynical.  She loves animals and tries to be as good a person as any situation allows.  I love her and probably identify with her more than a little bit.


A series of odd, seemingly unconnected events crash into Lilly's life, including the abrupt murder of one of her clients, a doctor being sued for malpractice.  Lilly isn't trying to solve any mysteries, except the one concerning how she's going to get through her caseload without losing her career or dying herself.  


The writing is excellent: intelligent, witty and clear.  The plot is really well constructed too; the reader is along for the ride as Lilly tries to juggle her case load and her personal life.  As Lilly prepares for her trial work, the clues come in: some subtle, some not, but there's enough there that the reader can put it all together right along with Lilly.


Claire Matturo wrote a total of 4 Lilly Cleary books, and I'm thrilled I own all of them.  I'd recommend this book to anyone who enjoys mysteries; I classify it as cozy on my shelves, but it really isn't.  It's just a great read.